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Poets Out Loud Youth Slam is a thrilling live competition presented by Byron Writers Festival. Witness the next generation of poets as they speak up through slam.

Featuring the current Australian Poetry Slam champion and hosted by Sarah Temporal, this must-see event showcases the power of young voices.

“These are young, courageous, brave, edgy thinkers, and we need more of these. It just makes me feel that we are in really good hands.” – Mandy Nolan, Judge for 2023 Poets Out Loud Youth Slam

Entry for 2024 Youth Slam is now open. Got something to say? If you’re aged 12-18 and live in the Northern Rivers, we want to hear from you! Poets Out Loud Youth Slam is a unique opportunity to learn from professional poets and connect with like-minded friends. You get 3 minutes on stage to share YOUR voice and YOUR story. The winner takes home $400 cash and kick-starts their writing career with help from Byron Writers Festival.

Sign up for 2024 here

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